Multifunctional Smart Coatings and Surfaces Summer School
The 1st International Summer School on Multifunctional Smart Coatings and Surfaces was a success! The participants were very pleased and the organizing team very proud. If you are interest in participating next year, just follow the SMARCOAT news and send a mail to .
The Summer School organized in partnership with projets MULTISURF, TUMOCS and PROAIR took place in the Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering (UAVR), between 25th and 29th of July 2016 and 13 students from several international institutions participated: 5 students from the UAVR (PT), 1 student from Instituto Técnico de Lisboa (PT), 3 students from HZG (DE), 1 from Airbus (DE), 2 from Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris (FR), 1 student from Tehnolabor OÜ (EE) and 1 from University of Mons (BE).
The school had 11 Lectures, 6 Lab Sessions and 1 poster session (with one poster award). From the 11 speakers, 1 was invited from University of La Laguna, 7 speakers were from UAVR and another 3 from HZG.
The following lectures were given in the MSCS summer school: 1. General Introduction 2. Functional Coatings 3. EIS 4. SVET/SRET 5. SECM/LEIS 6. SECM/LEIS 7. AFM/SKPFM 8. Characterization techniques 9. SIET 10. Corrosion Modelling
Here are some of the best moments: